Julie: Hi friends and Happy Friday to you!
Mum and I are staying with Auntie and I am
slowly getting used to this place.
As long as mum is here, I am happy.
I am still nervous of this place and I spend
a lot of time in the bedroom.
When I need a break, I go into Auntie's
room. It is at the top of the stairs.
She has a nice chair just inside the door
and I can see who is going up and down
the stairs. Uncle is here too and I am not as sure
about him, but that will take time ;)
I am still adjusting to this place. I think it
will take a while for me to be really comfy here.
I love having mum around all the time!
Mum got a new laptop when she retired.
She was using her desktop.
It is taking her some time to get used to posting
from the laptop and the keyboard functions.
Good that I am not the only one making adjustments!
Anyway we are both happy.
Have a pawsome weekend!!!!!!!!!!
I am glad that you are both enjoying you mum's retirement.
Julie, Lynn is all thumbs with computers. She doesn't like it but she has to use one to get my blog out. I try to give her good advice so that she can use her thumbs that I don't have. It's lovely to see that you're trying to get used to living in your new home and have such lovely pictures to share.
Changes can take time to adjust to, whether you're human or non! You seem to be doing well, Julie. Your Auntie's quilt is very pretty, btw, and you look lovely on it!
We are happy that you are happy, Julie.
and onze again we see R commint haz flown off ta space🤬
Beautiful pictures, Julie! Hope you and Mom are having fun!!
We are happy that you are happy, Julie! That is very important, but we know that you understand that, too! Will you get to go outside there if your Mom allows it?
Enjoy all the extra Mom time:)
BTW: Those menfolk have nice warm laps too...and often they are bigger than the ladies' ones...LOL!
I hear you, Julie, I like to do hidey when mine Mommy takes me visiting. It's not always so comfy to be in a new place, at least not at first, takes awhile (well, maybe, lots of awhiles) to get used to it and the stuffs there and the peeples there ... but you will, and then it will be just another happy place!
Julie, it makes me haopy to see that YOU are happy in your new home with your mom. June right there in her comment above me is exactly right. It takes awhile to get used to all the new stuffs there and the peoples who are there too...but you will. Just enjoy extra laps and maybe...maybe...extra brushies! .
Those were some gorgeous photos of you Julie.
I'm so glad to hear that both you and your Mom and enjoying all the time you get to spend with your Auntie!!!
Love your first photo; so pretty posing for it. Purrs and hugs!
We're glad you're happy with your mmom, Julie ! Purrs
Julie, you are so purrty!
We hope it won't take you too long to adjust to your auntie's place.
As long as you're together everything will eventually just fall into place :)
I am glad you're adjusting, Julie.
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