The Mom: Treasure is not himself today. He was fine
Thursday,but did not want to eat on Friday or this
morning so I took him to the Vet.
The good news is that nothing major stands out.
His potassium is down a smidge. His liver also has minor issues
as he has an elevated bilirubin count. These things can
make him feel sad and have no energy.
He was given some fluids and a shot of Cerenia so he
would not get sick. He will be on an antibiotic
(Metronidazole) for a few says. If he is not showing
improvement by Monday, he may have to go back.
The other thing is that as he was fine one day and
sick the next it could be too early in any sickness to
determine what is actually wrong.
I will be watching over Treasure and hoping for
a big improvement.
Thank you(in advance) for your purrs.
I am sending lots of purrs Treasure's way!
Loud purrs from us; we hope he's just been "off" for a couple of days and will recover on his own. Paws crossed and hugs!
Aw, poor kidlet. We'll be purring for Treasure!
Big purrs coming your way, rest and get well.
You watch over him and I will purr for him. I will purr and purr and purr. Purrs always help.
I send lot of (((purrs))) to Treasure !
We're crossing our paws and sending lots of purrs for Treasure. Feel better quickly, pal!
I am sending lots of purrs and hope Treasure soon feels better.
Sending healing vibes and purrrayers for Treasure to feel better soon
Oh no! We are all sending you our very best purrs and prayers Treasure.
We're sending lots of purrs and scritches your way, Treasure. We hope you'll be feeling better soon.
i pray that Treasure feels better soon! Kitties are so strong and yet delicate at the same time.
Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
Debby in Arizona
We're purring for Treasure and hope he feels better soon.
We're revvin our motors for Treasure! Paws crossed that this passes quickly.
We're sending big purrs and prayers your way, Treasure. We sure hope you feel better soon, sweet boy.
Purrs to you Treasure! I hope you feel better soon.
We are sending lots of purrs and headbutts!
We're sending lots of healing purrs & purrayers for Treasure. Sure hope he feels better soon.
We send Treasure lots of purrs ! We hope he gets well soon.
We are sending Treasure Purrs a plenty so he feels better real soon
Dear Treasure we sure hope you feel better today, and we are putting the purr motor into action for you.
Dear Treasure, you do look miserable in that last photo! We are getting together and sending you mega purrs and good wishes for a speedy recovery!
and Auntie Bean, Nina
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