Monday, 12 January 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Yesterday was sunny and the porch was warm.
Mom asked why I was not on the porch.

I said I was on the porch for a while, but I like this
soft ,cozy blanket  indoors better.
I have it all to myself when the others are on the porch.

JJ loves to soak up the sun.

Then he can have a bath.

Sometimes Treasure likes to sit on this sill overlooking
the porch. Mom took some "artsy" pics with 
Treasure and this window. We will share them
in another post.

Julie loves the sun. Those black furs just soak
up the heat  and she gets really warm.

Want to see what happens when Julie gets warm?
Find out at House Panthers!


Angel Prancer Pie said...

Looks like efurrybody but Julie was near or on a blankie. Purrfect blankie weather this weekend. Hope you enjoyed your sunshine. It's been in short supply around here.

Clooney said...

Glad you kitties got some sunshine and porch time, hope you have good weather this week and more sunshine!

Lone Star Cats said...

I wuz cuddled up on a blanket too.

Summer said...

Sometimes a nice blanket is better than a winter sun puddle - to each cat her own!

Hannah and Lucy said...

It's great to get porch time in the winter especially when the sun is there.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Here in the valley, we had the sun on Saturday but it was a real trickster sun. Looked so warm and beautiful outside but it was actually super chilly. The sun can be tricky, for sure.


Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope you have a week filled with sunpuddles sweet friends!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

A cosy blankie is better in winter. I think you made the best choice.

Eastside Cats said...

Georgia, both Chuck and Angel have their own special places to sleep; they rarely are in the same room together, but sometimes they surprise us by sleeping next to each other! I always try to take a photo when that happens.


We've no sunpuddles today so we loved seeing you in them! Happy Monday.

Fuzzy Tales said...

A cosy blanket and warm sunpuddles are both great choices -- each to his/her own! (We'll take sunshine and warmth, though!)

Ivan from WMD said...

I think having the warm blanket to yourself is perfect, Georgia!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...thatz kinda a tuff questhun...warm blankit all ta yur self... ore sun on de paddy oh.... ? bout a perch platter N friez !!

The Island Cats said...

Georgia, we understand. That blanket looks pretty comfy...'specially if you have it all to yourself.

The Swiss Cats said...

Enjoy your sun puddle ! On a cozy blanket, it's even better ! Purrs

Katnip Lounge said...

We had rain yesterday and today...we envy you your sunshine!

Mr Puddy said...

Lucky day , Warm Sunshine :)
Enjoy soaking !!!

Furries said...

You all look so beautiful against the blue and green backgrounds.

meowmeowmans said...

That porch does look pretty nice, but we like the way you think, Georgia. Sometimes it's nice to have some quiet time by yourself in a nice comfy spot. :)

Ivan from WMD said...

OMC, we just watched that video and we all want to love on those guys! We're so glad that little kid was able to be saved and will soon have a home!

Marg said...

Looks like all of you have the right idea for comfort. The sun is great but so are the nice comfy blankets. You all have a great day.

Tamago said...

Inside is good when it's so cold outside. Georgia, your blankie looks super warm and comfy :-) Julie's coat looks very shiny and warm. It's been so wet and cold here. Would love to join you and enjoy the sun!