Monday, 26 January 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Hi friends,how are you doing?

I'm just laying on this cozy blankie.
It is nice and soft, so if you want to join me come on!

This past weekend we saw Earl the Squirrel eating lots
 of sunflower seeds. He even buried a few.

Mom puts our cracked corn for the mourning doves, but
it seems the ducks like it too.

See those dots?
Those are ducks wintering on the lake that is down the hill 
and across the street from us.
 It does not take long for them to find food.

Last week we showed you the snow on these lights and
branches. We had lots of rain this weekend.
Now, we are going to get a big storm on Tuesday.

This is our yard today.
We will show you the yard after the snow comes.

Julie was in the kitchen.

Why not see what she was doing at House Panthers.


The Island Cats said...

That blanket does look really cozy, Georgia. You have some fun visitors in your yard.

meowmeowmans said...

Hey, Georgia, may we still come over to join you on that pawsome blanket? :)

Stay warm and safe in that storm!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We're keeping our paws crossed and purrs sent for all our furriends in the path of this terrible storm.
Stay safe and warm, but we can't wait to see those pics!

Pee Ess - we love Earl!

Summer said...

I hear that storm is going to be humongous! Stay safe.

Lone Star Cats said...

Dat blanket looks comfy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That blankie looks comfy. I think I will join you if the invitation is still open. Keep warm in the storm!

Hannah and Lucy said...

That blankie looks so soft and warm Julie so remember to snuggle down on it when the snow is about so your paws and ears keep warm.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Fuzzy Tales said...

We'd like to join you too! The more kitties, the more body warmth. :-)

We hope the storm won't be as bad as the weather people are predicting!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Have a fun week everyone and keep plenty cozy and warm!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Stay safe in the storm!


Georgia you sure do look cozy on that blanket! Nice photos!! WE hope you don't get too much snow from this storm but isn't it odd to have that much green in your yard at this time of the year?

The Swiss Cats said...

You look very comfy on your blanket Giorgia ! You have very interesting visitors in your yard ! Purrs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

deer cod in de seez....think oh all de treetz & canned goods yur mom could bee buyin EWE guys instead of BURD seed ....




Billy The Time Cat said...

That is a cozy blanket.
Stay save in the upcoming storm <3

Ivan from WMD said...

I'd come and share with you, Georgia, but my mom won't let me travel alone. :-( Stay safe in the upcoming storm!

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

You are such a beautiful cat, Georgia. That blanket looks especially cozy.
We hope you all stay safe and comfy during the storm.
the kitty brats

Deb Montague said...

What a warm blanket. Hope you folks say safe with all the snow coming.

Mija and Pilchard

Anonymous said...

Love the first two shots you really captured the Orange colour in the coat AMAZING x