Friday, 19 February 2016

Happy Birthday Mo !

Day after day, rain or shine, snow or not
 (well, there's usually no snow down Florida way!)
he keeps those daily linkies up and running for us ...
 so we can easily keep in touch with one another.  
MO posts our special events, and giveaways, 
and contests ... and when we need
purrs and prayers, or need to share the sad news 
of a rainbow bridge crossing, 
 sure all are given a paws-up 
to visit the appropriate blog.

Thank you Mo, for all you do!
Have the happiest of birthdays too!

To visit Mo, (please do) click on the links below.

In our Monday post, we showed you all of the snow we had.
Tuesday and Wednesday it was pouring rain!
It washed away our snow!
There is only a bit on the road in the background.
There are lots of trees that keep our road sheltered
 from the sun.
We bet all the critters are happy about that.
We know Mum is happy!

WE wish all of you a FUN weekend !


Summer said...

Happy birthday to Mo!

Marg said...

A very Happy Birthday to Mo. He does such a great job with the blogosphere.

Tamago said...

Happy birthday to Mo. Your birthday image for him is very cute!
I'm sure critters out there are very happy with the snow gone. Have a wonderful weekend xoxo

Cats of wildcat woods said...

Yay for Mo!

da tabbies o trout towne said... snowz all most gone heer az well but whoa iz ther a wind two day....ewe haz hurd oh flyin fish.....well, itz troo....everee fish we had in de buckit ...flew out !!!! ☺☺

heerz two a flathead sculpin kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

catsynth said...

What a sweet birthday card for Mo! :)
Nice to have the snow washed away. I didn't encounter any snow last week in NYC, but it was painfully cold. Hope it's warmed up a bit for you all, too.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Birthday to Mo! I am glad most of your snow has disappeared.

Brian's Home Blog said...

We hope Super Mo has a super Birthday!

The Swiss Cats said...

Mo deserves our best wishes ! Purrs

The Island Cats said...

Happy Birthday to Mo!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Happy Birthday Mo!

We lost all our snow, was 57F here today...and OMC the wind...and now we are without power, on a generator. Not to be fixed till Sunday evening...sheesh. Good thing we do have that generator to stay 'powered up ' enough with heat and some other perks that nobody in the dark have...we hope our neighbours do not get jealous...but we think they drove over to relatives who have power.

Maggie from Stillness at Cherith said...

Happy birthday, Mo!
Your weather sounds a bit like our weather!
Stay toasty and soak up those sunbeams when you can.
Oscar, Winston and Emily

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

He's a pawsome friend!