Friday, 6 May 2016

Finally Friday and Purr Request for Fort McMurray

Georgia: We are happy that it is Friday and mum will be
home for the weekend.
It has been rainy and cloudy this week and it will  continue
to be cloudy all weekend.
That is OK as it will not be cold.

Julie still enjoys time on the porch hoping to catch mice.
She caught one so far, but mum took it away.
It was deaded.

JJ will continue to enjoy naps.

 Treasure will enjoy wandering around the house and
getting scritches from mum.

While we prefer sunbeams, we're thankful that we are cozy and safe.
The same cannot be said for all the people and animals 
This picture shows an RCMP officer in a burned neighbourhood.
We are sending lots of purrs to all that live there
and hope they will all be OK.
You can learn more here.
We ask you to send purrs to them as well.


Summer said...

I'm purring for all the families in Alberta who are facing that awful firestorm! The devastation I've seen in the news is heartbreaking.

Tamago said...

We are having lots of rain and cloud, too. AND it's chilly..but it should warm up in the weekend. JJ, you look sleepy and adorable :-) May I join you in napping?

It's a terrible disaster that Fort McMurray is suffering.. Sending prayers to those who are affected.

Anonymous said...

WE sure send lots of purrs and prayers to the people and animals in Alberta. It is so sad about that fire.

Marg said...

Sorry that previous comment is from us.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We are purring for the poor people in Canada who have lost their homes.

Mr Puddy said...

Oh dear,
Me and Mom send purrs & prayers for them

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys.....we R troo lee sorree bout de devastation in yur countree; we hope all peepulz N all wildlife R safe & ree mane sew ....with prayerz ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

We saw it on the news : it's awful. We're purring for the people in this area of Canada ; we hope they can keep the fire under control soon, and stop it. Purrs

pilch92 said...

That is so sad, I will be praying for them.

The Island Cats said...

We purr mega purrs for all those affected by this terrible fire. And we purr that they can get the fire under control.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

It is drizzly an cool here too. But we aren't either too cold or too warm.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

That fire is so horrid and scary.

We had lots of sun today...and maybe some more over the weekend, but some rains too...helps the flowers do well...and it makes the grass grow...sigh...

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

oh my precious family...we are so sad at the cozy cottage about the wild fires in Alberta...mommy has been purrrring real hard with me for rain to come and help easy the power of the flames. Life can be so hard at times...the fear of losing a loved one in such a dreadful way is heart breaking to be sure....and the lives of animals in the way of the danger...such unthinkable sorrow.
we are so thankful and content...pray you are as well...
with love...Miss Hope

Brian's Home Blog said...

Fires like that are so, so scary and we send purrs and prayers to everyone in that area. Have a fun weekend sweet friends.

The Menagerie Mom said...

It sounds like you all have a lovely, relaxing weekend planned. We hope you enjoy it, and we hope that the sun makes a surprise visit for you!

We are sending lots of purrs and prayers to those of Fort McMurray. They will be in our thoughts.


Big purrs for all those families affected by this terrible fire in Alberta. We cannot imagine the terror but we hope that there is very little loss of life. As hard as it is, rebuilding can be done, but life is not replaceable, we pray for all the animals affected too.
We hope your weekend is filled with warm sunbeams!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

The fire is just heartbreaking. The devastation is unimaginable.

Debra Taylor said...

Yes, we have been sending love and prayers for the Alberta evacuees - so sad to me - hoping the suffering stops soon.

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some fun posts and archived stories about the abandoned/feral cat colony I manage.

Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

Dma said...

Hope they can get things under control soon in Alberta.... How scary.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are wonderful photos of you.

We are purring for the people in Fort McMurray, and donated to the Red Cross.

Cory said...

Thank you for your kind words when our Bennette left for the Bridge.

We will purr for the families in Fort McMurray.


Cory and family

Harvey Button said...

We are donating to help people of Fort McMurray.

meowmeowmans said...

Your weekend sounds like it was a good one!

That fire is scary and heartbreaking. We are purring and praying for the people and animals of Fort McMurray.