Monday, 9 May 2016

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Mum was getting ready to go out Sunday
afternoon. That maked me nervous.
I was  afraid she would take me back to the Vet!

Really? You're not taking me to the Vet?

I don't know if I can trust you.

Mum: It's just me that's going out.
You stay home.

Georgia: Really? Oh boy!
Have fun Mum!

Julie was busy yesterday afternoon too.

You can see what she was doing at House Panthers.


The Island Cats said...

Well, that's a relief, Georgia!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, Georgia, that was quite a scare. We sure are glad it was just a false alarm. :)

Summer said...

Well, that was a relief!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I feel for you, Georgia. Every time I see #1 coming towards me, I wonder if I should run and whether she has that medicine syringe in her hand...


The Chair Speaks said...

You're so sweet, Georgia! Our human would love to hug you! Purrs and headbutts from us.

Tamago said...

Oh, good for you, Georgia. Glad your mom wasn't taking you to the vet :-) I hope you've been having regular movements.
Have a wonderful new week, furriends!

Marg said...

So glad Georgia that you didn't have to go to the vet. Hope the Mom had some fun where she wet. You all have a great day.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Your mum went out without you? Hmmm... Do you think SHE went to visit the vet?


Dma said...

are you ever going to trust mom again?


Georgia that is marvelous you got to stay home and your Mom was the only one going out! Happy Monday!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

georgia....yur mom iz knot aloud ta take ewe two de vet any mor unless her haz yur purrmission for like 7 months in advance....knot even ta just stop in & say hi.....itz a new yur safe coz... her dinna ask yur purrmission.... plus like 7 monthz ago waz november N her never said a werd......did she ~~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

We're glad you didn't have to go to the vet again ! Purrs

pilch92 said...

I hope you don't have to go to the vet for a very long time.

Furries said...

I'm glad you didn't have to go to the vet and could stay home and enjoy a nice, relaxing day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yea, staying home is always the best deal sweet one!

Ivan from WMD said...

Whew! We hope you are still doing well, Georgia!

We are very sad about the fires in Alberta. Mom streams CBC radio in the mornings and can't believe the devastation. We've had a few very bad fires in our state but she doesn't think anything quite like that. We continue to purr for them.

And we wanted thank you so much for your kind words about William during our very hard time. We cherish your friendship.

Sweet Purrfections said...

That was such a relief! Glad it wasn't a vet visit.

Katie Isabella said...

Georgia, I am trying to think of a way with mommy to make it safer for you to go to your box. Thinking.......and one thing is I will text Julie on her PawPhone and ask her to quit as she will make you sick and that's not fair. Smoochies to each of you...Julie included of course.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Very glad there was no vet visit for you!!! (We have the same kitchen floor!)

Team Tabby said...

Good thing you can relax Georgia and stay home this time!


The Menagerie Mom said...

Whew. I bet that was a relief, Georgia. Purrs!