Monday, 4 March 2019

Stormy Days !

Georgia: Saturday night we had a storm.
It was the first really bad storm we had as it 
brought so much snow. We have had snow, but it did not last.

Today we are having another storm that is bringing
snow,ice pellets and rain.Since it will be yucky outside,
mum is taking a vacation day and staying
home with us!

Julie: I love any day mum stays home with us.
I love to follow mum around and hang out with her.

Mum took this picture Saturday night.
You can see pathways we have cleared from a 
bit of snow we had a little while ago.

Sunday morning it looked like this!

Lots of birds came by for breakfast but had to wait.
Mum needed to shovel a path to the feeder.

When she was done moving snow, the birds came back.
The ducks,

and crows and a duck.
Mum took the pictures through the  kitchen windows
so the quality is not too good.

Now, I think I will find mum and hang out with 
her again!


Gigi said...

The best thing about the Human's retirement last year is that she stays home with me SO much more of the time. I get whatever I want! Pets, foods, playtime--you name it. Your Mum is probably still too young for that, but I'm glad you get to have her tomorrow!

Lone Star Cats said...

Sounds like a good day for a vacation!

Dma said...

I feel your mom’s pain.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Sounds like staying home is the best decision! I hope your weather soon improves.

Kea said...

You guys are so sweet, cuddled up together. :-)

Your mom was smart to stay home. Snow is one thing, that's okay, once the roads are cleared, but ice pellets and freezing rain are dangerous.

You guys stay snug and safe. Let's hope spring comes SOON, because we have all had enough of this winter!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all are sure cute and those birds sure are happy with a pathway!

Tamago said...

Sorry to hear you are having storms, but good thing is your mum is home :-) Georgia and JJ, you are so adorable snoozing together!
Love the photos of birdies :-)
Have a great week, and stay safe and warm!

pilch92 said...

I am glad your mum stayed home with you today. We got about 6 inches. XO

Eastside Cats said...

We are currently getting a dose of lake-effect snow, as the super cold air blows across Lake Michigan and it causes trails of snow to reach all of the way to Metro Detroit! Please make it stop...*sob*

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz....sure enuff yur weatherz sux big time but trust uz, itz by far KNOT de leest oh what sux out oh doorz.....we will give ewe a hint az ta what iz !!! ☺☺♥♥

Summer said...

That is a LOT of snow! We are having more rain here in SoCal.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh you three have your mom again! How wonderful is that! And how wonderful of her to go out and see to the crows and duckies. Seriously. Many would not want to go out there. XX

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Mother Nature needs to shape up soon!

Hairballs and Hissyfits said...

It's always nice to see birds - they remind you that there is life out there even in winter! Have a great week and stay warm!

Ivan from WMD said...

Georgia, it's so nice that you have JJ to cuddle and keep warm with. Julie needs to be nicer, and then maybe she could join you! Hooray for an extra mom day!

The Swiss Cats said...

That's a lot of snow ! Staying home sounds like a great idea with that kind of weather. Purrs

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, that is a lot of snow! Bless your mum for taking care to feed those birds in the cold and snow. And hooray that she took a vacation day, and that you got an extra Mum day! XO

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

OMC, look at all those fat plump birdies!