Friday, 8 March 2019

Finally Friday Close Ups

Georgia: Well it is Friday once again and we are happy.
Mum is most happy  as it means she is with us
all weekend.
Our weather is turning better too.
After the storm on Monday, it was cold all week.
Now, the temps are starting to rise to the point we
 will see rain on Monday!
Mum will be glad to see the end of wind chill factors!

We have some close ups for you.
Here is mine.



Here are some pictures from the storm on Monday.
The birds were fighting to get into the feeder.

This guy succeeded!

These ducks were digging in the snow for seeds 
mum put out earlier and finding them too!

We will be turning our clocks ahead this weekend.
That means that there will be more light at the 
end of the day.Mum wishes they would leave it 
this way and not change ie in the Fall!

So! What will you be doing this weekend?
Hope it involves FUN !!


Summer said...

Paws up for rain, when it means snow season is ending!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad your weather is improving, and lighter evenings make it feel better too. We have to wait until the end of the month before our clocks change.
Your close ups are all lovely.

Kea said...

If we have ONE MORE DAY of about minus 20 windchills we are going to SCREAM!!!

Here's hoping we really do get a warm-up, everyone is sick of this.

We love your close-ups and your kitty tv channel, as always! Have a terrific weekend!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Y'all look most wonderful and I'm glad you have some better weather for the weekend!

Dma said...

we're supposed to get a foot of snow. so we'll be shoveling.... I love your pic JJ.

Tamago said...

Great close-up photos! And wow, the birds managed to get into the crowded feeder.
Glad it's getting warmer there :-) Have a great weekend!

Eastside Cats said...

Julie, you look particularly sassy today!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guyz....we all wayz N joy yur cloze up...noe tiss we rited
YUR cloze up.....


The Swiss Cats said...

Great pictures ! Have a pawsome weekend ! Purrs

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Beautiful pictures! Spring is right around the corner :)

The Island Cats said...

We’re supposed to get some warmer temps too and that makes us happy. Great close ups!

Ivan from WMD said...

Wonderful pics as usual! And those silly birds! Aren't you glad you all don't have to fight like that for food? Have a fun weekend!

Katie Isabella said...

JJ...looking handsome. la laaaa! Birdies, I love seeing you, of you know what I mean. Heeeee.

meowmeowmans said...

Georgia, JJ and Julie, you three look beautiful, as always. We are so glad Mum is home this weekend, and you got some warmer weather! :)

Your Bird TV is fabulous!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Lovely closeups!
Glad your weather is supposed to improve. We might warm up a bit here too...

Sorry about being AWOL so long, there were lots of issues here, not the least is a broken internet...sheesh:(