Monday, 18 March 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had a pretty good weekend. 
The weather was pretty good too and lots of melting
happened though mum said  there was a little bite
in the breezes.It is supposed to be sunny all week!
Mum hopes for lots more melting.
We do not worry about outdoor weather as we are cozy indoors.
Here is a rare picture of the 3 of us together.

Sunday, Julie was watching Critter TV from the kitchen
window.Mum said her furs were very warm.

In many places the snow melted and you can see the ground.
This is where mum puts bird seed so it is good that
the ground is clear.

Mum took JJ in to see the Vet last week as he seemed 
unsteady and yeowling as he wandered around.
Turns out his heart murmer is a bit stronger..
This week, he went back for a check-up.
He had his blood pressure tested and it was higher
so he has meds for that.
Sadly, he is losing sight  in one eye, but we hope he will keep
it in the other.
In spite of this, he is still a happy fellow and gets around
 pretty good.Not too bad for a 22 year old.


Eastside Cats said...

JJ, please be a good gentleman cat, and take your meds! Got to keep your blood pressure down, and make sure your bloods don't clot. We have above freezing temps during the day, and below freezing at night, but are hopeful for things to improve soon!

meowmeowmans said...

We're glad the snow is melting is melting there. Ours is pretty much all gone, knock on wood. It's good to hear that JJ is doing pretty good, and that meds can help him with his blood pressure and heart murmur. Sending love and hugs to you all, sweet friends.

The Swiss Cats said...

We're glad to see your snow is melting. Spring has almost sprung here. We're glad JJ is doing better. Have a good week ! Purrs

Summer said...

I'm glad JJ is still doing well, in spite of the issues that have popped up.

Kea said...

Lots of purrs to JJ, we hope the meds help him feel better.

Our weekend was like winter again, but this week should be warmer, we hope!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I am glad your weather is improving. We have showers forecast for this week which is much better than the constant deluge of the past two weeks.
JJ is doing great for his age, and I hope the meds help with his raised BP.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope you all have a fun week. Take those meds JJ so you can keep doing your best my friend.

Dma said...

sending warm thoughts JJ's way.

we're beginning to see some ground as well... mid week is supposed to be warm...

Katie Isabella said...

JJ, mommy and I truly love you. We are hoping your med helps 100%. And that you will start feeling better and better. Mommy and I love all three of you as we do the Angels who flew away. But we want all three of you to be well and enjoy the suns for a long while yet. XXXXX

Tamago said...

For 22 year old kitty, JJ sounds like in a very good health. I hope the meds will help lower the blood pressure.
I love the photo of three of you together :-) Enjoy a sunny new week!

pilch92 said...

I love the group shot. Sorry JJ has high bp, but it is good you are treating it. Have a nice week. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

JJ is SO impressive! Love that pic of all of you together :)

The Island Cats said...

Sending lots of purrs to JJ and hope the meds help him...and he keeps the sight in his eye.

Ivan from WMD said...

You guys are so sweet all together. We purr that JJ gets back to normal soon.

Team Tabby said...

Hi Furcousins,

We are looking forward to warmer and sunny days too! Good to hear that JJ is getting meds for his heart and blood pressure, that will help with the eye too, if his BP is down?

22 years, wow, great JJ!! Purrs to Julie and Georgia, and of course Auntie Bean!

Purrs from Mindy
Hugs from Auntie Bean

Colehaus Cats said...

We too are looking forward to warmer days with less wind. We bet critter TV is pretty good over there. Purrs and soft taps sent to JJ. You're looking exceptionally handsome!

Furries said...

I'm sure you enjoy seeing the snow melting.
JJ is 22?! My goodness, that's a senior gentle-man-kitty. I hope the meds help bring his blood pressure down a bit and his vision stays stable. All of you look so very healthy and happy.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We send lots of purrs for JJ. What a great time of year as the cold white stuff goes away.
Purrs Friends
Timmy and Family