Monday, 30 August 2021

Vacation ,Blogoversary and Remembering

Julie: Hello  friends! Nice to see you again!
Mum and I had a wonderful vacation.
Some of it was spent with mum's younger sister.
Mum enjoyed her stay, but I did not as much.
Mum's sister has 2 cats at her home.
One is hers and one belongs to her son .

Good thing mum's sister had a suite in the basement for us,
and we never had to meet. Mum had a great time,
and I did when she came down in the evenings for 
bedtime. She often came down during the day too.
Let me just say I am happy to be home!!!!

Mum went to her younger sister's place(mum has 3 sisters)
as another sister's son was getting married.
We stayed there almost all week and came home Friday.
Needless to say we missed an important anniversary!
The day this blog was started!!
As you may know, mum is NOT very organized!
She should have done this in advance!
Oh well!!!

Anyway, on August 24,2007 mum and Mickey 
started this  blog.
This was the first picture of Mickey.

Mickey lived with other cats too.
This is Tillie

  and this is Georgia

She blogged for a few years and then revealed
that there were actually 3 more cats!!!
I am not sure why she did this and
neither is she. Oh well ;)

This is Tiger



Sadly, there are all gone now and there is only me.
I do not mind too much as I get ALL the attention now!

Now that this vacation is over, I hope things get back
to normal! Home sweet home...I love it!!!!

Thanks to all that did remember our Blogoversary!


Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

I am glad your mom got to spend time with her family.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Family time!! I wish I could go and visit my sister in Ontario and my cousins, but its still not good or easy to cross the border even with the right 'papers'....good thing we can chat on the phone, or on the computer.

Glad you didn't have to have a staycation, Julie!

Happy Blogoversary!!

Kea said...

Happy blogoversary, Julie! Goodness, we didn't realize you were having a holiday away from home too. We're glad you had a separate suite and of course that you're happily home now.

Take care and have a great week.

Eastside Cats said...

Happy Blogoversary!
Julie, you visited a new place too; it was an adventure, no?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Blogoversary Julie! I think we've been with you all along, Mickey was one of my first blogging pals.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

julie; nice ta see ewe bak thiz way; we R glad ewe & mum could get a way; did ewe see cuzin mindy bye chance ? pleez ta tell her we said HI...we noe ewe R glad ta bee bak in yur home tho~~~~~~~~ happee bee lated annie fursary two ewe ♥♥♥♥♥

Furries said...

I'm glad your Mom enjoyed her vacation and you had a suite to yourself away from the other kitties. But there's no place like home.
All your previous kitty family are so lovely. It's important to take a moment to remember them.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy blogoversary! It was nice that your mum was able to visit family.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

There's truly no place like home, and happy belated blogoversary!

The Island Cats said...

How fun that you got to go on vacation with your mum, Julie. Happy Blogoversary too!

catladymac said...

Concatulations on your Blogoversary ! It was nice to meet The Cats Who Came Before.

And we certainly agree with you that being home in your own bed is the best !

pilch92 said...

So nice to see all the cats your mum has had. I am glad you got to go on vacation with your mum. Happy Blogoversary. XO

Katie Isabella said...

Julie, congratulations on your Blogaversary. I remember Mickey so well and when he got married. I remember Tillie and Georgia...loved them so much Tiger, I don't recall but JJ and mom just loved them to pieces. Love you Julie. You are so beautiful and you love your momma so much. XX

Summer said...

Happy belated blogoversary! It sounds like you and your human had a nice vacation.

Timmy Tomcat said...

A very Happy Blogoversary Julie even if we are a few days past due. We remember the crew and are so happy you are carrying on the tradition. Many fun returns. Glad Mom had a nice vacation

meowmeowmans said...

That's so nice that you and Mum got to go visit her family, but we understand how it's nice to be home, Julie. Happy Blogoversary! It was special to see our friends Mickey, Tillie, Georgia, Tiger, JJ, and Treasure today. Hugs to you and Mum.

Ivan from WMD said...

It's nice that you got to go too, Julie! Imagine if you had to stay home all alone. ::shudder:: We're glad your mum had a nice family visit too, because that's important. Happy belated blogoversary! It was sweet seeing all your old brothers and sisters.

Smudge said...

Oh dear, we're sorry we missed this milestone. Happy belated Blogoversary, dear Julie. Damn, so many gone before.