Hi friends!!! I am giving an update today.
It is good news too. Then Vet lady said that I am doing pretty
well for a Mancat of 16 years!
My liver enzymes are up a bit, but not as much as they were
back when I had the ultrasound, so that's good.
The other concern was my thyroid,but that was normal!!
Over all I am doing well and am reasonably healthy.
I just need to finish those darn pills!!!! Yuck!
They do not taste good, but they are helping.
I am not sneezing nearly as much. I am
however,sleeping more . That's OK.
That's what we cats do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to thank everyone who purred for me.
Those purrs sure helped and we appreciate it very much!!!!!!!!!
Now,I think I will have another snooze.
Oh, please don't forget to purr for all the sick kitties & beans on
the Cat Blogosphere!!!!
It is good news too. Then Vet lady said that I am doing pretty
well for a Mancat of 16 years!
My liver enzymes are up a bit, but not as much as they were
back when I had the ultrasound, so that's good.
The other concern was my thyroid,but that was normal!!
Over all I am doing well and am reasonably healthy.
I just need to finish those darn pills!!!! Yuck!
They do not taste good, but they are helping.
I am not sneezing nearly as much. I am
however,sleeping more . That's OK.
That's what we cats do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to thank everyone who purred for me.
Those purrs sure helped and we appreciate it very much!!!!!!!!!
Now,I think I will have another snooze.
Oh, please don't forget to purr for all the sick kitties & beans on
the Cat Blogosphere!!!!
Yoo know, sleeping is furry healing...it's what da bean doktors tell moms and dads to do when dey is sicky so it must be good.
Mickey, we're glad to hear you got a good report from the vet!! And we're glad you're not sneezing so much!!
Hurrah Mick, we are glad that your physical went well. xoxo
I am so glad to hear about this as well~!
That is great!
Yay! We were very happy to read that you are doing better and you're remaining healthy overall.
I'm very glad to hear that news Mickey. Being sick is No Good.
WOOOHOOO! That is great news, Mickey!! We are so glad to hear it!
you are also very handsome for 16 years!
Mickey, that's the very best news! I am so happy!
That is fantastic! Concatulations on your good report:)
Great news Mickey! Now just take it easy and keep on getting completely better,
Gypsy & Tasha
What nice news to get before Christmas! Hope you can enjoy many more Christmases too.
HOORAY! We are so happy to hear you are doing well, Mickey.
Roxy & Lucky & mom
Mickey! What wonderfully pawsome news!!
great news ^^
WE are so happy to hear that you are feeling better!
purr on
We are SO happy to hear tha tyou are doing great!!! Even though that medicine stuff is yucky, it does help! Great Job!!!
Snooze on, Mickey. We Senior cats deserve our rest.
Sleeping is good, Mickey! I do it all the time! :-)
Mom says as soon as they come in the mail, I'm going back on the pills too for a few days because she caught me havin' a fit yesterday afternoon so she flipped and called the vet. Luckily I don't have to go see that lady, though they're all nice, I hate to travel!
Mickey you news just made-ed me and mommas day!! :)))
Mickey, I'm glad to hear the good news!
I can't begin to tell you how happy I am to hear that good news!!!
We got your card today, and we are so honored to have your beautiful faces in a Christmas card... and suitable for framing as well.
Mom has been caring for me all day.
I am not sure I can hold out for Lizzie :-( Mom is going to sleep with me tonight too. I think that will be a great comfort for me.
I am glad Iam not alone
you are great friends, Mickey and Tillie and Georgia. thank you for loving me.
purrrrs always
YAY! We are so pleased yoo are better. Now have a nice snooze in the warm, knowing all your friends love yoo.
We just found out that you're feeling under the weather, Mickey. We're glad to come by and see the good news, that sounds promising.
Many kitty kisses to you,
Siena & Chilli
We are so happy to read its going a little better with you Mickey!!
I purrrr.. always for you I never forget !!!
Kareltje =^.^=
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