Monday, 7 December 2009

Mancat Monday

I had a nice weekend. A lot of it was spent here,relaxing.
It was rainy on Saturday and Mom & her sister went shopping.
In the morning,before the rain, Mom put greenery on the front deck,
so she could put up the outside lights.

Here is the greenery in the rain.

I was a bit sad that is was not grass!!

Sunday it snowed!!!!!!!!!
In the afternoon it mostly stopped ,
so Mom put the lights oh the greenery.

It was cold!
She should have done this on Saturday,heeheehee

This spider was moving very slowly.
Bet he thought id was cold too !!

Hanging by a thread on the window overlooking the back yard.

We had a visit from 5 mourning doves!!!!!!!!!
Here are two. One on the stump, and one in the feeder.

These three were getting seeds Mom puts on the ground.
Even in the snow, they just sat there for a long time.
Guess the squirrels were sleeping!! heehee

Sleeping. That is what I plan on doing today!
I did way too much snoopervising this weekend.
A Mancat gotta do what a Mancat gotta do ;)


Gemini and Ichiro said...

Ah I hate when I get all snoopervised out and just have to flop over and nap.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Find somewhere awarm and snuggly and have a great nap!

Karen Jo said...

You did lots of snoopervising, Mickey. Now it's naptime.

Teddy Westlife said...

Being a snooperviser is a busy job. Mum says please no more spiders!

Karen Jo said...

Mickey, I have given you an award.


Forever Foster said...

Snuggling up when it's snowy outside is a grand plan:)

The Creek Cats said...

Your outdoor greenery looks beautiful!!

Angel Simba said...

Good snoopervising. I like your greenery and lights. We had snow too!

Jasmim said...

Wow! It seems very cold !
Too bad that here in Brazil doesn't snow, it's beautiful!

Raymond and Busby said...

Mickey, you worked hard snoopervising all weekend. Your snow if very pretty and your Mom did a great job with the greenery and the lights. Have a good long nap today, you've earned it!


Daisy said...

The greenery with the snow and the lights looks so festive!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Sounds like it was a good weekend - any weekend with a lot of sleeping is good!

Anonymous said...

We think the greenery looks fantabulastic!

Anya said...

Its really winter in Canada
My Mommy loves snow :-)
I wish we have snow this winter !!

Kareltje =^.^=

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

The weather looks as though it is very cold in those pictures, but it did make the greenery lok very pretty.. You stay in the warm and keep snug,, HUgs GJ x

catsynth said...

That first picture looks nice and comfy, black and purple are a great color combo :)

That does look cold with the snow. Stay nice and warm inside.

Ailurophile said...

Some excellent snoopervising Mickey. You did well in your job as a mighty mancat. Hope it becomes warm and sunny and you get many comfy naps in the sunshine. Sending many purrs and hugs your way. Have a great week :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Great Christmas lights!!
I always love the lights at your home!!
And it is always feeling great shopping with sister~ Michico says she totally understands!

The Monkeys said...

You live in a really beautiful area, and the lights are gorgeous!

Parker said...

It snowed here for the first time yesterday. It was kind of pretty!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

You are having the same weather that I am having, yucky. Maybe we are neighbors? Hope you get a break in the weather so you can decorate. I think you have the best idea, the sleeping, yes that is the best.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Wouldn't it be cool if those garlands were made out of cat grass or nip?
Hey, we have those same doves sitting outside our house right now too!
Have a good nap, Mickey!

Lynx217 said...

our "snow" is gone already, thank goodness. It's much too cold though!

The Kitty Krew said...

It's a good thing your mom has you to snoopervise for her, Mickey. How could she get anything done, otherwise? You look quite handsome on your comforter/bedcover! ;)

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Pix E. said...

I like your spider-- hey Mickey--are you excited about Santa? What do you want him to bring you?

we had very pretty snow, a nice fluffy sugar coating, but the rains came and now it's washing away.

Rupert said...

Lots of cool pics!

Downright cold, in fact. ;-)

Paws 'n Claws,

Anonymous said...

Hai we has missed yoo all! The mom is such a terrible secretary lately, wif takin care of da blurp and of course now she is takin care of 3 (dat we smell) stray kittehs in our yard. Can yoo believe she is givin sum other kitteh attention?

Hai Georgia, Im sorry I's not been around to see yoo. Im a terrible boyfriend kitteh. ::holds out catnip bouquet:: Furgives me? ~ Shadow