Hi friends! Another week has started and there are only
two days left in this year!
I think I need to have a nap so I will be rested enough
to celebrate the new year.
First, I have to check my bed because Mom gave me treats a
while ago and I want to be sure I did not miss any.
Dang, no treats.I did get them all.
Anyway, I will have a nice snooze and maybe I will get
some treats later. Mom is not as generous though,because the
Vet wants me to lose weight!
Tiger is snoozing on her blanket.
Treasure loves to snooze on the red fleecy blanket
What about JJ and Julie?
See them at House Panthers.
Hello, furcousins! We must convince your mom to give you some more treats, Georgia, because it is the Christmas holidays and you need to celebrate properly.
You all look cozy and warm; glad to hear your power stayed on. Even tonight there are some power outages in our area.....not us, hope it stays that way!
Oh no, Georgia, the dreaded diet word! Maybe if you sleep longer, treat time will add up and you'll get a regular portion - I call that Kitty Math.
Say it ain't so!
Oh dear, we hope that four-letter word (D-I-E-T) is NOT your New Year's resolution!
We're resting up for the new year, too.
Happy Monday!
Lose weight ? It sounds like a human new year resolution ! Purrs and enjoy your treats
You are all looking very comfy as the year end approaches.
The Chans
Diet? What's the matter with the vet. Didn't he know that Christmas is the time of Goodwill and extra treats?
Georgia! NO way do you need a d-i-e-t! As for the rest of you...well, no, ALL of you look scrumptiously bountifully beautiful!
Hi Georgia! I think you are beautiful just the way you are!
Vets are so obsessed with numbers, aren't they? Sheesh.
Well, we hope you got some treats, at least.
Darn Georgia no hidden treats! Well maybe to help bring in a new year you'll get a few extra. WE hope so and we love you just as you are!
Happy snoozy sweet friends!
heerz ta plentee oh snoozin memoreez N when ya wake up guys...we hope all yur dreemz haz come troo !!!
We're excited about the new year, too! But snoozes sound nice until then :)
It's important to get some rest so you'll be ready to celebrate the New Year!
Oh yes, resting up for the new year is very important. Oh, and Georgia, we always check for any missed snacks before curing up, too. :)
Happy New Year friends!!! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2014 :-)
Lose weight??? Nonsense! At least that's what we say to our human, when she tells us we're each 2 - 3 pounds overweight. :-p
Happy new year, guys. We hope 2014 will be a *good* one for you all, in every way.
We saw the blizzard warnings for your area...We know you stay indoors, so that's okay, but tell your beans to stay safe. We're crossing our paws you don't lose power and that the storm veers east out over the water instead.
So far, this winter has been BRUTAL for most of the country, and there still are 3 months to go.
Hello there cuties!!!! Happy New Year to you guys!
Happy birthday to your mom! We hope you made it through the blizzard okay. Tell her to stay safe until all the roads are cleared, if they haven't been already.
Have a happy purrs-day Mom!
Happy New Year to all of you! And a Happy Birthday to your mom!!
Happy birthday to your wonderful mom!
Belated Happy Birthday to your mum! I am sending purrs for Tiger. I saw at team Tabby that she is not feeling too good.
Purrs to Tiger and Happy Late B Day to your Mom!
Purrs for Tiger to be well. xx
Hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and we all wish you a Happy New Year! Hope your mom is doing ok since Tillie left. Purrs to you all from all of us!
Georgia, comes sneak over to us for forbidden treats :-) Happy New Year!
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