Georgia: I am really glad it is Friday.
That means Mom will be home for two days!
I am happy now, though I was a bit upset with Mom
yesterday. She came home and took me to the Vet!
It was for my annual check up.
I passed with flying colours. Whew!
Now that that is done, I can relax and enjoy the weekend.
JJ: I like Fridays too. When mom is home, she keeps the heat
turned up to a comfy level.
When she goes to work, she turns the heat down a bit!
That is SO not nice!
Julie: I am glad it is Friday because I love to spend time
with mom. I follow her everywhere.
I really like mom!
Treasure: Georgia went to the Vet?
Oh no! You are not taking me are you mom?
I'm ready to hide!
Mom: Relax Treasure, you are not going to the Vet.
(That will me next month)
We are expecting a storm on Saturday
Not sure what it will be like, but we will be safe and warm
indoors with mom.
We purr you all have a FUN weekend!