Friday, 13 December 2019

Finally Friday!

Georgia: Whew! What a week!
I was ever so happy to be an indoor kitty.
We had sun,rain and snow and it's only Friday!
Today is sunny and cold and tomorrow, it will be raining 
Mum is also happy it's Friday and the weekend is here.

We finally have some decorations to show.
This is our living room window that looks out onto
the porch.

This tiny tree is at the far end of the living room.
We will get mum to take more pictures in daylight 
this weekend. That is if Julie will let mum 
stop rubbing her(Julie) belly.
That sister of mine is obsessed!

Since the full "Cold Moon" falls on
Friday the 13, here is a picture of a black cat!

Yes it's Julie, but she is black. 
But she is not bad luck.

Have a FUN weekend friends!!!


Furries said...

Your decorations are festive. Our tree is small too, it fits snuggly in a corner and is maybe 4 feet tall.

pilch92 said...

Your decorations are beautiful. Have a wonderful weekend with your mum. XO

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your decorations are pretty.
We have had storms and rain all week. The sun is shining right now, but the black storm clouds are rolling back in and will be here within minutes.

Kea said...

Your decorations are pretty!

We hear your in for a soaking, so it sure is great you're indoor kitties. Enjoy your weekend!

Dma said...

happy friday the 13th.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your decorations sure are pretty and I hope you have a totally warm and wonderful weekend!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

hay ewe galz yur decor rayshunz bee awesum !! :)

N we wood like ta wish ewe all a merree christmas and a soooper grate 2020; we R offline til then ~~~~~~ ♥♥☺☺


Those are beautiful decorations and we know you'll be glad to have your Mom home with you this weekend!

Summer said...

Sounds like you've been having crazy winter weather! Enjoy the weekend - inside!

The Island Cats said...

We love your decorations. Your tree is so pretty.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Rain before Christmas is just wrong. We're getting some too :( Your decorations are beautiful.

Katie Isabella said...

You two girls took the best pictures!!!

The Swiss Cats said...

Your home looks very festive ! Purrs

Tamago said...

Wow, your Christmas decorations are so festive and beautiful! And you are both gorgeous, Georgia and Julie!
Have a great weekend xo

Smudge said...

Lovely decorations indeed. Mom and dad don't do trees, and as for decorations- they keep a string of white lights up in the living room year round. You may have been able to get a glimpse of them in some of our posts over the years. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Nice tree! We are gonna get the big one this year (we think). It full of birdie nests and glittery stuff. We are good. We watch and dont whap. Well, not TOO much...

meowmeowmans said...

Your decorations are so beautiful, sweet pals! Georgia and Julie, we are glad you are inside and safe and warm, too. Julie, you are GOOD LUCK, for sure! XO

Ivan from WMD said...

We love your decorations! That tree wouldn't stand a chance in our house, though!