We have lots of lovely sunshine today, Julie. If you aren't having sunshine, however, it's best to lie back and enjoy the brushies. Actually - it's ALWAYS best to lie back and enjoy the brushies (mol).
Julie, every time we see your Zoom Groom, mom is inspired to get mine out, I love that thing. Usually, she uses a wire brush that I love, gently run through my long furs...and a human hair brush afterward of any brushing, to get the loose furs off me so I won't hork after taking a bath.
Brushings are wonderful, Julie! You look so comfy. We got freezing rain instead of snow here. Our Mom walked home from work and almost fell several times. Stay cozy. Purrs, Emily and Willow
We had sort of freezing rain on Thursday night...but more sleet fell than rain, plus a dusting of snow after the ice pellets. A big slippery mess. Today the sun was out and the temp was about 10C, so most of the left over icy places melted away, Hooray!
We hope your belly furs are growing in, Julie.
'Cause then your meowmy can brush those too.
Oh no, not more snow! It is better than freezing rain though.
Never mind the snow! Brushing is way more important!
The Chans
I'm sure glad you didn't get that freezing rain sweet Julie, it's no fun at all. Enjoy your brushing time!
Looks like a pretty day!
Glad the sun cam eout and you got brushoes. XO
That snow is better than freezing rain, but you know what is the BEST? Brushies! :)
It is good you take care of the birds. It is bad to be cold and hungry.
We had sun today, Julie! Maybe it’s headed your way.
We have lots of lovely sunshine today, Julie.
If you aren't having sunshine, however, it's best to lie back and enjoy the brushies.
Actually - it's ALWAYS best to lie back and enjoy the brushies (mol).
Mom says she doesn't miss snow. We LOVE brushies!
Julie, every time we see your Zoom Groom, mom is inspired to get mine out, I love that thing. Usually, she uses a wire brush that I love, gently run through my long furs...and a human hair brush afterward of any brushing, to get the loose furs off me so I won't hork after taking a bath.
Thanks for stopping by for our commentathon ! Snow is better than freezing rain, but no snow is even better, right ? Enjoy your brushies ! Purrs
Julie, no more snow fur you please. But it is better than freezing rain. We had tiny bit of snow Friday, which came your way big time it seems.
Brushings are wonderful, Julie! You look so comfy.
We got freezing rain instead of snow here. Our Mom walked home from work and almost fell several times.
Stay cozy.
Emily and Willow
We had sort of freezing rain on Thursday night...but more sleet fell than rain, plus a dusting of snow after the ice pellets. A big slippery mess. Today the sun was out and the temp was about 10C, so most of the left over icy places melted away, Hooray!
Enjoy your brushies!
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