Mom went off with her sister Mrs Quilter
to do their annual Tea & Tour.
This is where you have tea and then
go visit homes decorated for Christmas!
It also means we have been abandoned...all weekend!!!
Left with a sitter!!!!
We will do our favourite thing!!!!!! Snooze!!!!!!!!!!
to do their annual Tea & Tour.
This is where you have tea and then
go visit homes decorated for Christmas!
It also means we have been abandoned...all weekend!!!
Left with a sitter!!!!
We will do our favourite thing!!!!!! Snooze!!!!!!!!!!


Hey guys! It sounds like your mum and aunt will have lots of fun this weekend. It is really nice to have traditions like that, we think.
Snoozing is a great way to pass the time. Enjoy it!:)
Abandoned for a weekend? Unacceptable. Next she'll be leaving you for FOUR weeks like my mum did.
Huffle Mawson
I am sure the time will go fast! At least your Momma will be missing you like crazy so be prepared to be showered with huggies and kissies! :))
You girls are always such a pleasure to see!!! And Miss Tille cheeky girl showing a bit of tummy!
Micky it is a very different yet really cool backdrop today :)) Iz like you iz on a sooty cloud :)
Mickey you are looking like a total glamour cat on that shimmery comforter. Lovely. Tillie making with the top quality owlish ears there and Georgia looking like the best kind of feline door draught excluder ever!
Hope your Mom brings you back some treats!
Happy Sunday!
Whicky Wuudler
Mickey, you are in the shape of a heart in your first photo. I bet Miss Peach will be happy to see you!
Uh la la Mickey, you look lovely on that blanket. We hope that your mom has a lot of fun and returns home inspired. To decorate the house with more cat comfy places, that is!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
We are sorry you have been abandoned, but naps are a good way to spend the day!
Mom would love to do tea and touring houses!
i like tillie's legs. she looks like she could wrestle really good. mickey is sleeping on something good, soft and silky good. hello georgia... you look sleepy too.
i'm wide awake and looking for trouble
When all else fails, snooze!!!!
Take a nice long nap and when you wake up, your mom will be home!
You three are being soooo good and sweet while your mum is away!
That is great to just lay in the sun and think about your mom coming home soon! Mickey, your furrs are just as shiny as the puffy quilt you arelaying on!!
Love and purr, Prinnie
Snoozing is the perfect thing to do. That's what we did all day yesterday.
Who is your sitter?
If it were me, I would pull out ALL my tricks learned in Kitty 101 and keep things as lively as possible.
But napping is good too.
Paws 'n Claws,
It looks like you all have a very positive spin on being abandoned for the day. Enjoy your extra long snoozes :)
Today is a good day for snoozing. And then when you open your eyes, your mom will be back!
Fun though your people might be having, I'd rather be snoozing like you. After all a cat's got to keep her energy up.
That is some quality snoozing.
When your beans return, you will have to ignore them to punish them, muahahahahahahahahahaha!!
It's OK for humans to go out every so often, but they ought to be supervised so they don't get into trouble. Can you trust your humans to stay out of trouble?
Hey Mickey!!! Dude!!! I bets Miss Peachy will faint when she seez how handsome you looks on dat silk comfurter! You couldz poze fur a ftwo pager man... remeburr when Burt Rey-nuldz didz it?
What great snoozing photos.
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