We have been given these mighty fine awards!
We are very happy to receive them too!!!

We got this lovely award from the beautiful
We got this super award from
the lovely
Molly and handsome
If any cat does not have these awards yet
please help yourself.
Consider it a Christmas present!!
Congratulations to your so well deserved awards!!!
And thank you so much for coming to Ruis birthday party! It wouldn't have been the same without you!
Mrs. OZ, Tintin, and Karl
Congratulations on your award.
Congratulations on your awards~!!!
I am so so so happy for you :)
Congratulations on your awards and you all look so cute in those wreaths!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
Very nice awards, and that is a very kind christmas present Mickey!
Huffle Mawson
Congrats on your awardies! :))
And you guyz are not trapped in some kind of green mystical prison like in Sooperman is you??? IT looks a little worrying ;)
Congratulations on your well deserved awards!
Now, we have just come to a realisation. It might sound a little crazy, but bear with us- in that photo, Georgia reminds us of a Disney princess! It's the proportions of her face or something!
congrats on your award!
Congratulations on your awards.
Simba x
Congrats youse guys! really cute faces on that award!
Aw, Mickey those are great!
hurrah for awards! you deserve them!
Congratulations on your well deserved awards. I keep thinking that picture of you three in the wreaths is about to start singing carols at me!
Whicky Wuudler
congratulations on these awardies. They are well deserved Mickeykins!
I absolutely adorrrrre the wreath with all of you in it! how sweet and festive.
purrrs to my three sweetest chums in Nova Scotia. Stay warm and snuggly today.
purrrrs, Prinnnie
Concatulations on your two great awards Mickey! You certainly deserve them!
Oh wow! Concats on those two very well deserved awards!
~The Creek Cats~
MICKY u ar the man happy fur your a award come on over to our house we cot some more fur u U MAN CAT U
Concats for those awards! Is that your oficial Christmas Card? It should be!
Congrats on your awards!
That pic of you guys rawks too!!!!
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
Congratulations on your awards :-D They're very well deserved.
concatulations!!! very well deserved!!!
Congrats on your awards and you look great in the wreaths!
Congrats to all your awards. Thanks for sharing the love
OH crapity crap crap! We has to remind the mom we has a few of those to post this week!
~ Molly ~
Hai Georgia, I got sum extra nip wanna come share sum wif me. I'll let yoo has first dips from da plate.
~ Shadow ~
Congrats on those well deserved awards. :)
Roxy & Lucky
Concatulations on those lovely awards!
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