This Mancat will be having a big talk with Mom.
She says she is busy all the time and then yesterday,
she went out with her sister ALL day!!!!
I think she has forgotten her priorities!!
She says she is busy all the time and then yesterday,
she went out with her sister ALL day!!!!
I think she has forgotten her priorities!!

You tell her what is acceptable Mickey.
Here, here, Mickey! Speak up and fight for your kitty rights!
She definitely forgot her priorities. In the meantime, great MM photo.
Time to tell her how it is Mickey. Part days are ok...but ALL day?
Mickey, you will just have to put your paw down!
Show her what for Mickey!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Yes, sometimes those humans need a talkin' to in order to get them back on our schedule. Yep!
We think that is unacceptable too.
You tell her, Mickey!!
It's high time that you had that talk Mickey - hoomans need to be reminded constantly about their priorities. If you ignore them long enough, they usually come up with treats to get ur attention...
Mickey that is a very stern face.. I can see your Momma seeing it and running and cowering! ;)
Do not be too mean, they need a break now and again, a happy Momma is a good Momma! :))
put your paw down! That Daisy gives the best advice!
re: Libraries -- I've always been addicted but our library system here means you can use the libraries (order books moved from a library 150 miles away to your local one) online. That feature made me read even more, then I was given an Amazon Kindle. Now I get a free sample of a few chapters of a book, and if I like it I have the option of finishing it at the library, if I really want it, I can buy it and it's forever in my database. I have been reading a LOT more because of the free sampling, and also because I got the complete works of Thomas Hardy for 5 bucks. (!) Imagine carrying hundreds of books around in your handbag. I know the W. Somerset Maugham would have flipped over it because he used to travel with heavy bags of books and still run out of things to read.
there is nothing more desperate than a reader without a book-- I have seen them resort to reading a Sear's Catalog or the Phone Book!
The nerve of her! You gotta teach her a lesson, Mickey...
There is no mistaking your displeasure Mickey. Just give your Mom that look and she will see the error of her ways
Whicky Wuudler
Oah Mickey~!
You should be the center of your house!!
Tell them!
Well, now that mom is done the lap robe, she can finally devote time to my visiting (and cleaning the house). A woman must have her priorites, mustn't she.
Dennis thinks cats should rule the house 102% ! Otherwise it will be turmoil !
Dennis says when all else fails, act feeble, whine, and lick mom's hand while giving her pathetic eyes. Dennis thinks Mickey can guilt her into staying home.
That is a very stern look, Mickey! We are sure it will get your mum back into line quick smart!
Don't be too hard on her. Christmas is just around the corner, and she might have some pull with Santa.
You tell her!
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