Snoozing is a fun pastime. I curl up and hide my nose.

Georgia likes her water fresh.
I bet her toes are getting wet!!! Ick!!!!
I bet her toes are getting wet!!! Ick!!!!

Tillie relaxing.

Tillie toes. Check out those claws.
Better not let Mom see those!!!!
Better not let Mom see those!!!!

What claws? I don't see any claws!

Oah Dear.... Tillie your claws~!!
That is really amazing~!!!!!
It looks like someone might get clippy-claws soon. I love the way you cover your nose while you sleep, Mickey. Wet toes don't sound like much fun, but the water looks yummy.
OOOhhh...snazzy toe photos. We like the sink one too :) that looks like fun. Bear loves to do that.
Cat in a Sink! and i love the claws paw too... three sweetie pies.
Oh Mickey, you look SO comfortable! It is making us sleepy just looking at your photo:)
Tillie, your claws look nearly as long as mine!
Huffle Mawson
nice photos... tillie loves the papers eh :)
happy new year 2009 to all cats!
Holy Tillie!! Are those claws or talons???????
Grayson covers his face when he snoozes, Mickey! Mom always makes the "Awwww" sound when she sees it, like she did when she saw you.
hey Tilli, you haf wonderful mighty claws of doom!
Wow - these are all such great photos! Those claws are impressive...
Hey, Tillie...we think you need a manicure, girlfriend!
Those are fine toes! And you all look so comfy resting there.
Tillie, you got some impressive clawrs! They look razor sharp! I wish I could keep mine like that.
Relaxing is a good plan for today. For me, it's going to be hectic, though Luna has been sleeping quite a bit.
Tillie has awesome claws! Trixie liked to keep her nose covered when she sleeps just like you Mickey!
Scooby & Scout like their water fresh too.
Tillie, can you hook your claws into things? It's all in the wrist I'm told. Tillie, is your full name Matilda?
Those are great claws. You have a wonderful place to nap!
Olli also love the fresh water and climb intoo the sink for that.
Those claws are very impressive. Meowy new year, all of you!
Mickey, you look so sweet napping with your little paws covering your eyes. Tillie, be careful not to get your toes wet. Georgia, those are some awesome claws.
Hi Guys! Happy Mew Year to all of you! My mom would be running after Tillie with the nail clipper! Which reminds me that I better not let her get a look at my feets...
You three are just so cute! Georgia, Toeshee loves to drink from the faucet too! He cries and cries until we turn it on.
I want to wish you kitties and you Mom a very Happy New/Mew Year!
Hugs and Purrs,
Lorianna and her kitties
What claws you have! That would scare any mousie or birdie within a hundred yards from you.
Wishing you the best for the New Year 2009!
I see no claws Tillie dear!!! ( even though they are totally kissable!)
Georgia, I bet you have to lickity fast to slurp that water in :)
Tillie yoo has what the mom used to call raptor claws on TT. Do yoo click on the floor when yoo walk? hehe Dat wud be even scarier in the middle of the night venture.
~ Molly ~
Hai Georgia! *paw waves*
~ Shadow ~
WOWZA, look at those claws!!! *purrs*
What awesome cwaws!
Now that mine Mummy has weft me for 3 weeks, I'm attempting to gwow cwaws wike these too. But sadwy, I'm sure mine Mummy would twim them off once she comes back.
Oh my beloved I know you must be dreaming of warm sunny days in a grassy meadow...maybe with me by your side? That is my wish. I also cover my face when I sleep with my tiny paws. Guess what? Today is the last day of this year! I got something in the mail from you!!! What a wonderful way to begin the Mew Year with a gift from my beloved. Will you toast with me tonight at the stoke of midnight? I will be waiting with my fancy red gown on for the first dance...
Your adoring Sunshine XOXOXOX
Yikes, look at those claws. Better not let mom see them, or she will get the nail grinder out, as both Lucky and I need our nails done.
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