By now you know that my sisfurs do not get along very well.

As you can see, a cozy place to nap changes everything!

The fact there is space helps.
They are pretty close though.
They are pretty close though.

It also helps to sleep back to back!!

This is the weather outside.
It is windy and there may be some rain.
Later, it will get cold again.
Mom calls it yo-yo weather!
What's a yo-yo???
It is windy and there may be some rain.
Later, it will get cold again.
Mom calls it yo-yo weather!
What's a yo-yo???

yo-yo weather!
We have sun recently, but will get cold tomorrow.
Sun, cold, sun freezing cold....
is that called yo-yo weather as well?
Well, maybe the yoyo weather is having a strange effect on your sisters?! I think the little wall of blanket helps too. And if you don't look at someone .. they're not there ;)
If they don't look at each other, then the other one does not exist. That's the cat rule.
Huffle Mawson
Perhaps the girls are feeling the effects of the Christmas spirit?
Our weather is a bit crazy too. We have been having lots of storms. The thunder is not a friend.
A yo-yo is a toy on a string that goes up and down. You might like it. I guess your weather is going back and forth between sunny and rainy. Right now we are having lots of snow. Georgia and Tillie are doing a good job of ignoring each other while they nap together.
A nap does change everything, Mickey! And so does all that cold weather! That would make anybuddy huddle cuddle closer to stay warm!
We napped together today similarly. Very close but not quite touching. It actually was quite comforting!
Abby & Stygia
PS. Be sure to stop by our blog tomorrow, you're invited to Abby's 1st birthday party!
Naps are the great peace maker!
Well, it's not the sisfurs fault.
Wow, almost touching! We may get another snow storm tomorrow...we are very happy!
Our mom says yo-yo weather is the worst. It is warm here then cold then warm, etc.
We agree with Parker, naps are great peace makers!
~The Creek Cats~
If you do not see them, they aren't there!
Maybe the cold is driving them closer. It is nice to rest near another warm body when it gets cold, even if it's one's much disliked-sister.
Sometimes a tiny little wall, like with the fold in the blankie, makes all the difference. If I pretend Harley is not there, then I can sleep next to him.
Yup, we know ALL about yo-yo weather. We are glad that your sisters get along well enough to sleep next to each other. Even though it is back to back.
It's nice to see the girls sleeping close to each other. Must be Christmas Spirit!
Whicky Wuudler
All three of our cats sleep like this! We have one cat (the little grey guy in my avatar) who would love to cuddle up to the other two, but they both insist on the "proper" distance. (Who knows what that is - sometimes it's six feet, sometimes six inches!)
We don't usually sleep next to each either, but sometimes if it is extra cozy, we will!
We have had some yo-yo weather ourselves, 60 degress yesterday, freezing rain today!
They're just being smart - they know that Santa Paws is watching them be good!
I think that small piece of fabric that separated them a wee bit helped. Shade has been moving closer to me at times but there always has to be some type of barrier involved!
Purrs Banshee
hehe Mickey it is because they loves each other, just some of us express it different like :)
Specially girls!! It is so mice to ses them so close though, I bet they can feel each others heat :)
Keep warm you guys and gals! :))
They must like to sit in warm spots dat is why dey share like dat. But Georgia yoo know yoo is always welcome to nap wif me!
~ Shadow ~
There's nothing better than a really comfy napping spot to bring kitties together.
It's nice to see them so close together. Didn't they get along from the bginning or did it evolve to be like this? I hope things stay like they are with my new sisfur, Chilli. We cuddle quite alot but wrestle and chase us, too.
Purrs to you, Siena
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