Georgia: This was quite a weekend for us.
We had more snow on Saturday night!
See? This is supposed to be Spring!
It is almost April! We do not want snow!
This makes me a bit crabby.
Mom did take some pictures .
She liked this one with snow on the branches.
The sun is behind.

Some snow fell off the branch. You can see it in the
bottom right,next to the green arrow.

We also had a new visitor. We have not ever seen one
of these in the yard before!
A vishus deer!
OK, so Mom says they are not that vishus now.
She says they do not eat cats!
Mostly, they are hungry because of all the snow we
have had this Winter. He/she is eating the seeds in the feeder.
Oops, missed a few.
Time to go now.
Bye Mr/Ms Deer.
You can pop over to House Panthers.
Julie saw the deer too!