Hey look what we saw this week!!
We saw a red finch.They do not visit often.
The red finch is sharing the feeder with
a yellow finch. We see the yellow finch most often.
While it was neat to see these birds, we had
to do it from inside as we are not allowed out.
Georgia is enjoying some treats in her room.
She is not eating well, but she is eating some.
Mum is watching her carefully.
Julie: Darn! Mum caught me with the camera.
Should I look?
Well, I am sure you want to see my face in addition to my profile.
I guess that was not so bad.
Hey mum, could we go get some treats?
That would be FUN !!!!
Treats or no treats, we purr you all have a FUN weekend!!
Bet you wondered why we called it "Super Friday" right?
It's because mum is on VACATION!!!!!
Oh boy, just think of all the belly rubs for a week!!!!!!
Now that will be FUN!!!!