Monday 1 July 2024

Winnie says...Happy Canada Day!!!!!

Winnie:  Gee friends, it has been a while but I finally 
for mum to help me blog!
It was  a tiring process as you can see...MOL!!
Anyway, we are celebrating as today is Canada day!
Yup, it is Canada's 157th Birthday !!!

I am resting up to be ready for any festivities
and I hope it involves some food ! MOL!!

                                                                     This is a cool pic.
         That is Snoopy on the floor and the shadow is me
                                                                    sitting on the cat tree!

As you can see, I am just dangling on this cat tree
and enjoying the sun on my black furs.
Mum says cats are heat seeking missiles...
whatever those are ;)

                                            Anyway, I am pretty sure it will be a good day
                                               and I am ready for what ever fun that  comes!