Georgia: I am having a bath because it is Friday and that
means the weekend is here! It's not just any weekend,
it's a long weekend. Labour Day and Mom is home
for 3 days! Woot!
I will get out on the porch and maybe lay in the sun!
Mom says it will be cloudy all weekend and rain on Monday.
Darn! I don't like that answer !
Well, I will enjoy my weekend with Mom anyway.
She can brush me and give me scritches!
Tillie: I am looking forward to the long weekend too.
I will help Mom visit our friends.
Then I will go to the porch.
I will enjoy spending more time in my box!!
JJ: I like to sit on top of the kitty litter.
It gives me a grand view of the porch and of what every
cat is doing! I can watch Mom too.
Julie: I am relaxing here waiting for Mom to come along!
Hi mom!! How about a belly rub?
OK Julie!!
Tiger: Does a long weekend mean extra treats?
Since all the other cats are on the porch, I am going to snooze
in my chair. Sooner or later Mom will come by with her book
and read. She gives me scritches when she sits and reads.
I like that!!
We purr you all have a great and fun weekend.
Those that celebrate Labour Day,
we hope you enjoy the long weekend too !!