Wednesday 23 October 2024

Winnie says Hi!

Winnie: Remember me ?
Mum has been lazy about helping me blog.
She says she is doing other things.
I told her that this was important to me 
and that if she did not help me on a regular basis,
her tiny brain would forget how to do things.
That worked!
Now you can see how much I am enjoying life.
Stretched out on top of the sofa and holding on, MOL!


Now all I have to do is to continue to to monitor mum...MOL!
She needs a lot of snoopervision!

Saturday 5 October 2024

Remember me...Winnie?

Winnie: Hey friends...remember me?

 I finally got mum to help me do this post.
I remended her that if she does not keep up this blog
her little brain will forget how to do it again!
Guess what ? It worked! MOL!!
I am really liking this place. There is a pawsome deck and I can
sit and look out over the yard. It is a big yard too!
I  will try  to get mum into the blogging habit again
as she even agrees that she needs to practice ...MOL!!

OK! See you soon!!!!

Friday 19 July 2024

Happy Friday from Winnie

Winnie: Gee! I have to remind mum to post!
She gets into other things and forgets.
Must be a thing about humans...MOL!
The good news is that she does not forget to feed me!

                                                       I do like the views from this window.
                                                        There is a cat tree here  and I like it.
                                                 There is also a deck in the backyard that i get to enjoy! 
                                                                     I must say, life is good!

                                              Now all I need to do is get mum into the blogging 
                                         habit again. I think it is good for her little grey cells ! MOL!!!!
                                                                               See you soon!

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Just hanging out with Winnie

                                                  Winnie: Gee, I have the strangest feeling that 
I am being watched!

 Oh! Hi there! I guess I AM being watched!
How are you doing friends?
I am doing well and loving this place.
As you can see I have a nice comfy bed to lay on
and I share it with mum. Or should I say
mum gets to share it with ME! MOL!!!

Mum is getting pretty lazy about posting so I have
to remind her.
I am enjoying my life here and get along with
my two furry housemates OK. There is no hissing
or anything... we just coexist well. 
I am happy to have my own home and not
living in the shelter anymore!

Remember,,,adopt, don't shop!

Monday 1 July 2024

Winnie says...Happy Canada Day!!!!!

Winnie:  Gee friends, it has been a while but I finally 
for mum to help me blog!
It was  a tiring process as you can see...MOL!!
Anyway, we are celebrating as today is Canada day!
Yup, it is Canada's 157th Birthday !!!

I am resting up to be ready for any festivities
and I hope it involves some food ! MOL!!

                                                                     This is a cool pic.
         That is Snoopy on the floor and the shadow is me
                                                                    sitting on the cat tree!

As you can see, I am just dangling on this cat tree
and enjoying the sun on my black furs.
Mum says cats are heat seeking missiles...
whatever those are ;)

                                            Anyway, I am pretty sure it will be a good day
                                               and I am ready for what ever fun that  comes!

Monday 10 June 2024

A good Snoozy Spot

Winnie: This chair is a pretty comfy place to sleep.

                                                I could sleep here all day...well almost all day.
                                              I do want to get up for my meals and playtime!!


Friday 7 June 2024

Happy Friday from Winnie

Winnie: Hi friends!
I told mum it was high time she helped me blog.
Good thing she agreed!
She needs the practise as she forgets things! MOL!!
Anyway, I am loving this place and as you can see I
really like this big sofa. 

         It is huge and L shaped.
I can see a lot sitting at the top.
There are lots of neat places to see in this place.
I am really happy to be here and out of the shelter.
I get along with my furcousins OK and there is no hissing.
The 3 of us just accept each other.

                                            That being said, I do like that I have my own 
                                             room with mum. Now all I have to do is get her to 
                                             be more consistent with helping me blog!
                                             That is a battle I think I can win!

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Favourite spot to hang around

Winnie: I really like this sofa. As it is in a big room,
I have great views from here.
I am sitting behind Auntie L.

                                                  With the camera a bit to the left , you can see
                                                  the fireplace in the corner. As  we are into Spring
                                                  it is not being used.

If I were to turn around and face the opposite
                                                     direction, I could look out of the big window.
                                                    There is a nice big cat tree there  and a great view 
                                                    of the outside. I can watch cars and people passing by.
                                                    As it is pretty busy, it makes me happy to be an indoor cat!
                                                    It  is good enough that I can see where mum is from here ;)
                                                    You never know when she may go in the kitchen...MOL!


Wednesday 22 May 2024

Hi from Winnie

Winnie: Well...hello friends!
I finally got mum to help me blog.
I have really been having fun here as it is
wat more fun than the shelter.
See that toy behind me ?
I have a LOT of fun with that!
I love to chase it around!

                                    I also have a really cozy bed and pawsome a pillow.
                                                            It's called Mum!   MOL!!!!!! 

Well, I gotta go play now!
Catch you later!!!!!

Monday 20 May 2024

Get that Toy!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just sitting here ignoring that toy
in front of me.

Ha! Who am I kidding!
You knew I would attack !!!


Monday 15 April 2024

Hi from Winnie

Winnie: Gee! It takes a while for me to get Mum to
help me blog. I think she is out of practice. MOL!
She had to figure our again how to get mu pics on the computer
and size them. I need to make sure she does this more
often ;)
Life is good here and I get along with my housemates.
I just have to work on Mum and regular blogging.
I think that will be good for her brain! MOL!!!!


Monday 1 April 2024

Oooooooo! What a sunset!

Winnie: Hi friends! It has been a while, but here I am.
Gee! Mum really needs to post more often.
She is getting forgetful about using a laptop.
I do not think that is a good excuse...she is 
just a little lazy. MOL!!!!!!

                                                  There was a really nice sunset the other night!
                                                    This picture does not do it justice,
                                                    Mum needs to find a new photo editor.
                                                    If you have some ideas let us know.
                                              Free ones for now would be nice as mum needs 
                                                       to get back into photo touch ups.
                                            She needs to get back to blogging in general!
                                                        I like seeing so many cool friends!

                                                                     Happy April Fools!
                                                        Hope no cat gets caught ! MOL!!
                                                Save the jokes for your people ;) MOL!!!

Friday 29 March 2024

What do you mean by block?

Winnie: Hello again! Mum finally got around
to helping me blog. Sheesh!
She needs to do this more often as she can forget
stuff, I am new to this blog thing, but mum is not.
She is getting on though,,,MOL !
Anyhow, she called me a block!!!!
Can you imagine?

    So, what is a block and why are you laughing?

Did I mention that sometimes mum is silly?

Tuesday 26 March 2024

Hi from Winnie

Winnie: Hi friends. Life has been good for me.
Getting mum to blog...not so much.
I told het that if she does not blog, she will forget
how to do things,(she is getting up there in age you know)
Any way, as you can see I am doing well and enjoying life.
We both are :)

 I will work on mum to post more often 
as I want to see my new friends and I need mum to 
get better at posting from a laptop.
I mean really...she just needs to do this more often.
I really like the idea if having SO many online friends!
So...see you again soon!!!!

Monday 18 March 2024

Snoozing with a Friend

Winnie: When snoozing, it is always nice to have a quiet friend


Friday 15 March 2024

Finally get to blog again!

Winnie: Hi, remember me...Winnie?
It has been hard to get mum to help me blog.
We are having lots of fun though.
Life is good and we cats all get along,
at least there is no hissing but we do not play
together a lot, but that is OK as we have lots of time.

I am enjoying the  views  from this window,
I see cars and busses and people and I am
kinda happy to be indoors!
 Mum has been enjoying herself too and is
the main reason for the lack of blogging,,,sheesh!

                                               Ah well, the important thing is to have FUN! 
                                                        We are certainly doing that! MOL!                         
                                          I will drop by later to see how you are doing,
                                                            For now...I gotta go play!!!!

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Hello from Winnie

Winnie: Well, it has taken me a while to convince Mum
to help me blog. Good thing too as she had to remember how
to do things on a laptop as opposed to a desktop.
I am not sure what that means as I am  cat.
Anyway, she finally got this post done.

Life is pretty good and we are enjoying ourselves.
Still no pics of my housemates but Mum says
there will be in the next post.

I will make sure to remind her.
After all, it seems she needs the practice! MOL!!!


Saturday 24 February 2024

Winnie trying to have a quiet drink

Winnie: I am enjoying a nice drink of water.
Mum is in the background fussing with the laptop.
Apparently, using it is a bit different than using a desktop.
It is taking her longer to figure this blogging
thing out.
Guess that happens when you don't blog for a while.
Anyway she finally got it so here I am.

                          Here's hoping we can do this more frequently...I like seeing all of you!

Friday 16 February 2024

Hello again from Winnie

Winnie: Hi all! Mum finally got around to helping me
with this blog. I think she is enjoying this human thing
called retirement.I am liking it too a I get to have my
purrson home all the time!

                                                       This place sure beats the SPCA !
                                                       Things are going a bit more slowly with the two
                                                       cats here. We are not best pals, but we are
                                                        not fighting either. We are all just enjoying life.
                                                        I really look forward getting mum to help me visit 
                                                        with you. It is such fun to see SO many cool cats
                                                        and other critters :)
                                                        I just have to get mum to do this more often!
                                                       So, until next time...cheers!

Sunday 11 February 2024

Playtime with Winnie!


                                                                  Winnie: Hi friends! 
                                                                    It has been fun with mum.
She is getting more used to the laptop, but her
senior brain does not wish to help her getting 
things done smoothly. MOL!
We are having FUN and I am really liking my
new home.
                                                       I am really liking playtime too!!
                                        Now all I need to do is get her to post more often.
                                                         That's something we both want.
                                          OK,that will do for now...I gotta play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 30 January 2024

Hello again from Winnie

Winnie:  Hi again friends!
I kinda like this blog thing as I get to meet so many
cool cats and other friends.
Mum is not as familiar with blogging on a laptop
and she says there is something called a 
learning curve. 
All I know is she is figuring it out and now
     I get to see some new friends!
I am still loving my new home and housemates.
We are not besties yet but we will be.
Mum assures me I am NOT going anywhere!
I do not miss the SPCA shelter at all :)

                                                     I am looking forward to  seeing you all!
                                                     Oh,,,by the way, what is it like where you live 

Sunday 21 January 2024

Fun with housemates

Winnie: I am liking this place and having housemates.
I also like stalking. Here, I am stalking Summer. MOL!

                                                     We are all still getting used to each other.
                                                     At least there is no hissing or growling. MOL
                                                     I am liking this place a lot! Life is good.


Saturday 20 January 2024

Winnie relaxing on the sofa

Winnie:  Hi friends. Life is interesting with mum,
I was never involved with blogging before I came here,
I am getting used to this process and so is mum in a way.
She is more familiar with a desktop computer than
a laptop.
I think she is forgetting how to take a picture!
I mean, really ?

                                     Oh well, it is not a bad shot because I am in it! MOL!
                                      Mum is catching on so I will likely be seeing more of you
                                      and you will see more of me!
                                      Also, I am hearing the word Vet lately. Seems I have some
                                      balding spots on my hips and she wants to have that checked out.

Friday 12 January 2024

Winnie popping in to say Hi!

Winnie: Jeepers, mum must be getting mighty 
She had to remember how to do my pictures on 
the laptop.
Good thing she was successful.

Gee, I think I need to be the one looking
after mum! MOL!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 9 January 2024

Enjoying life with Winnie

Winnie: Gee whiz!! It has been hard to get mum
to help me blog!
I can understand that she has been captivated
by my good looks and charm...MOL!
However, I want to get acquainted with all of you 
pawsome new friends!

Mum is not as used to the laptop as she is with a desktop,
so it is taking a while to figure things out.
She is scatterbrained( that is a safer word than old)
Anyway, she finally succeeded and here I am.
Life is still good here and I am quite happy.
I really am a lucky cat. I like it here and am getting 
used to the other cats,though that is going more slowly.
I told mum that if she posts more often, she will
not forget  how to do things as often ;) MOL!!!!
Till next time!

Friday 5 January 2024

Winnie...Learning to share

Winnie: I really like playing with strings and
So does Summer. She is a bit nervous in playing with me
as I tend to be a bit more aggressive. I cannot help myself!
I love the toys and think they are all mine.
I was  an only cat at my former home so getting
used to housemates  will take a while.
At least the hissing is pretty much done... mostly. MOL!

This toy is in my room.
That makes it mine...right?
MOL...another learning curve...sharing.
We slowly getting used to one another and mum says we
have lots of time. Thank goodness!!


Wednesday 3 January 2024

Hi from Winnie

Winnie: Hello again friends.
As you can see, I like this spot.
A lot has to do with the placement of this mat.
It is more comfy than laying on the floor.
I am currently playing with mum.
I hold the big string and she tries to get it away from me.
It keeps her amused for a good while.
She is easy to amuse...MOL!!

I am slowly getting used to my roommates.
We still have not interacted a lot but we are all curious.
I am really liking this place and I feel comfortable about
referring to it as home. 
Home is such a lovely word!