Monday 22 December 2008

Mancat Monday

Moonshine & Sunshine

Moonshine & Sunshine


Anonymous said...

Yoo two is sooo kyoot! She'll be happy to see dis, acuz Cole gotted an owie and she wasnt allowed in to see hims at the human vet place.

Anonymous said...

Oh great the mom's done it again .... hit enter before we's done.

The man in bloo delivered yer card to us. Fank yoo so much it is bootiful and the mom has it on the tree now!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You 2 are so dear in love together~!!
How wonderful~!

Phoebe said...

That is really cute! May you make beautiful muffins together.

Teddy Westlife said...

Aww you two look so cute together.

Huffle Mawson

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that is wonderful. I bet Miss Peach is so touched.

Forever Foster said...

Mickey and Miss Peach, up a tree!
P U R R I N G! :) You two look lovely together:)

Anonymous said...

Oh You guys!!! I iz a melting along with the Momma today! :)))
You both are the bestest couple! :)


Ailurophile said...

Great pictures! You and Miss Peach look wonderful together and being the sweetest kitties on the blogosphere that you are - you are meant for each other!! Hope you have very happy holidays!

Parker said...

That is so very sweet!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh my beloved wonderful to feel so loved by you. I could not ask for a better gentleman Mancat than you. My tiny heart is all melted now. I am keeping warm under the kitchen sink....there is a heater vent under there and I can keep an eye out on all goings on. It is dreadful cold here. I will be meowing this old fashion tune forever...
Cole is safe in Seattle now and I am happy to know that...but I miss him so much.
All my love your SunshineXOXOXOX

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture of you and Miss Peach! You make a wonderful couple!

Black Cat said...

Lovely pictures and poem, simply cute. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas:) xxx

Eduardo said...

OMD! That was so beautiful! So beautiful!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

The Devil Dog said...

How romantic. That is lovely, Mickey.


Daisy said...

You and Miss Peach look so lovely together!

Cory said...

That is so sweet! You are melting the snow away!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

DAt justee brougtsez tearz to da momeez eyeballz... seein' you & da Miss Peachy cheek to cheek. You are both da Catsez Pajamez!!!
We lovez you,
Dr Tweety

zevo hussein calamari said...

Oh that is way too precious.. now our pet human can't stop saying ooooooooooo!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh how sweet! Mickey, you are such a romantic mancat ;-)

MaoMao said...

Oh wowie, how romantick! Mickey, you are such a sweet mancat, and I know Miss Peachy Pie will be so happy and beside herself and swept off her paws!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

meemsnyc said...

That is sooo sweet.

ASTOR CATS said...

Thanks for your comment about our Nanny. We've been snuggling with mom and giving all the hugs and purrs we get. Mom is still trying to get in the holiday spirit. Hope your holidays are happy.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

My Littel Island said...

love it love it We hope u all will have a marry christmas

Tesla and Hansel said...

awwww how sweets! we LUF da decora-shun!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Such a lovely picture of you two! Diamond is a very artistic kitty and makes the most beautiful graphics.

Catzee said...

Oooo yur kitties an' moon is sooooo neat!