Georgia: Well, we had a warmer week with rain so almost
of the snow is gone. Only where it is piled up can you see any
and the piles are not big at all.
Today is sunny and we should have daytime temps in the
warmer range through next week(0 to 5 C ) with sun
and maybe some rain. Not typical February temps for us at all !
Naturally this mostly affects mum as we do not go outdoors.
We are warm and cozy all the time.
As you can see, I am quite cozy on this blanket.
Julie is cozy sitting on the chair.
She hopes mum will put the camera away and sit and read
so she can curl up on mum's lap.
JJ also loves the blanket. He is hoping he can convince mum to
give him some treats. As the oldest cat here(20) he is
not worried about calories. He just wants junk food .
Mind you, we all do .
Mum might be away part of Saturday to go to her
nephew's house warming.
That's OK, we will get plenty of snuggles when she comes back.
As always, we wish you all a happy and FUN weekend.
Any plans? Let us know.